If you find DicomWorks useful, please consider making a contribution :
The freeware model is difficult to keep for a big project. Our team has some difficulties to remain freeware for some simple reasons : we need to buy development tools, upgrade them (for example, we are thinking about a Linux version) some third party components (for example CD burning, PDF, etc, etc...) could be bought to add some very interesting features to the program, and we can't right now we would like to offer some additional services (like hosting in teleradiology for example) in the future, we need to meet you and other customers in international meetings (RSNA, etc...)
Special gifts for the donators
All donators giving an amount superior or equal to 20 euros (25 USD)will receive as gift :
The new "Advanced" PowerPoint export plug-in .
new version includes very useful image arrangement options (rows,
columns, etc...) to build clear and great presentations !
Export Plug-in
v 3.0.0
Windows XP Explorer DICOM thumbnailer This small component, once installed on your system, will display DICOM images just like JPEGS in Windows Explorer. This tool is so cool that I can't believe no one created it before...
A "lifetime" licence of all forecoming versions of the DicomWorks viewer and Study Manager in the probable case it becomes shareware (at higher cost).
You can donate any amount. The ideal would be 25€ or 25$, but more or less, and even 5€ or 5$ can be useful. Please note that donations < 1 $ or < 1 € are unnecessary, because everything goes to PayPal (their commission !)
Credit card transactions are completely secured (PayPal is the most popular online payment system).
Should DicomWorks become shareware ?
Difficult question for us ! Believe it or not, current donations are
not enough to cover the updates of our development tools... For
example, in Feb 2005, when we first put this warning, we only had
collected 4.5 USD in 1 year... Until that time, an effort was visible,
and this conforts us leaving the 1.3.5 version free.